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What Do You Mean By Latency?

It is the amount of time it takes for your system and other devices to respond to an action like clicking on a link. The majority of people will not notice any difference in their Spotify listening or video streaming but gamers may have problems because of delays. Satellite internet offers more precise connection than wired ones. This means that they may experience slower performance when playing games because of high packet loss rates.

The latency of your input is the sensation you get from your input (in this instance an anchor) and how quickly it gets delivered to others. It can also be a problem when you play online video games, or watching YouTube videos. It can affect responsiveness since things might not be as accurate as they ought to be.

What causes the latency?

The issue of latency is a major pain factor for gamers as well as other users who wish to stream their favorite media on mobile devices. The elements that influence your latency include distance between your computer and the server plus anything in between like connectivity to the internet or Wi-Fi’s strength (or the lack of it). It could also be contingent upon which router/modem combo someone is using – there are a lot available these days! Do not be worried if the process initially appears complicated.


Latency is the time it takes for information to travel from one place to get to the next. It’s the distance between your machine and any server(s), which is how much data you’re seeking from the server. If the distance between them isn’t sufficient, there is a rise in latency.

Propagation Delay

One of the biggest aspects in determining the degree of latency you experience when browsing on your computer or mobile device is known as “propagation delay.” It’s easy to think about this as just one piece but it is a factor in every other measure of bandwidth and connection speed that we take into consideration, such as speed of downloads (because these depend on getting data packets back from wherever they’re delivered), uploads which depend upon having an enabled network interface card. The same applies with connecting wirelessly too.

Internet Connection Type

There is a distinct difference between the latency of various internet connections. Cable, DSL and fiber have lower latencies while satellite tends to be higher due to its architectural configuration that needs more physical space to transmit which means longer wait times as well with increased buffering capabilities for websites that you need access to such as video or audio files, etc.

What’s on a site?

Have you ever clicked on one of those links only to wait several minutes before it loaded? The reason is that the Angelfire page was too complex. They had glued The Office memes all over it, so now every visit to the page takes longer than it normally does.

Massive files like HD videos and images require that your browser download the entire collection. You might experience some delays in the event that the files are stored on an external server far away from the page you are currently viewing.

For more information, click high latency


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