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Things You Need To Know About Lightsabers

The lightsaber is one of the most impressive weapons found in science fiction, and it’s also an object that can be found throughout Star Wars. The glowing blade is able to cut through almost anything, it makes a cool sound when you swing it around. There’s a fascinating history behind this amazing film. It was either created for film or for toys for children who wanted to engage in intense battles at home their friends.

The Lightsaber has a long tradition. It’s been used in numerous battles. As technology advances, it changes from simpler to more complex designs. But, certain aspects have never been added to the official canon even though they were detailed elsewhere this includes information on the colors that the lightsabers should have according to their corresponding space or planet they came from. This is likely due to Lucasfilm doesn’t want to create any errors in its universe. But there are still many who would prefer to know all details and I’ll be glad to answer any questions.

They were first created by The Dark Side

While the lightsabers we know as well as love may be precursors to something more powerful and powerful, force sabers were developed by “Force Hounds” who worked for the Infinite Empire. These dark energy-focused crystals composed of dark energy, were used in the daily lives of their forefathers to build weapons.

Because of their connection with the Dark Side of The Force many people on the Light side were not keen to use them. The Force Saber’s connection was also too strong. These weapons could make an individual a fighter for evil.

There is more to it than swords.

Although the traditional lightsaber is usually shaped to resemble a standard sword, it has been modified in many ways. One variant is known as “lightship” that makes use of emitters in strands near the handle, instead of one emitter at its point to slice through any material you want with pinpoint accuracy.

You will need to have an extra battery pack to power the First Lightsabers

The first lightsabers of the past were significantly different from the modern models we have today. They used a poor battery pack that was prone to overheating and release hot wires however, this isn’t a surprise given the beginning of this weapon type back in the days of antiquity.

The Sith would once again move the technology of lightsabers and their use forward with the development of an efficient power cell for their lightsabers that could be placed within the handle.

A Lightsaber is able to cut through nearly Anything

A lightsaber can be capable of cutting through anything. But, as with any tool or weapon any tool, its potential victims especially those who are opposed to using lightsabers, will do their best to avoid getting cut by this amazing source of power.

Mandalorian iron bounty hunters have the option to select from a variety of materials. One such material is Cortosis which is able to reduce the length of lightsabers. But it’s poisonous for humans, so they can be made into armor. Phrik is also invulnerable to blades of lightsabers, but is not able to do anything else.

Amphibious Races Faced A Challenge Through Lightsabers

Although there aren’t a lot of things which can prevent a lightsaber from working it is a fact that people must be aware of. A few raindrops won’t cause any harm , as the weapon will simply steam and sizzle when placed under its surface layer for too long, before being submerged again in liquid form this time more securely covering up all indications of destruction until the next time.

For more information, click leia lightsaber X-RGB


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